2 Results with the "vampire" tag
Wen Luan had never drafted a life plan for himself. For his first twenty years, he lived in an ordinary western small town where each day was a repetition of the last, with few strangers ever passing through. Even when lost travelers stumbled upon Meteorite Town—a place so unremarkable and desolate it could never persuade outsiders to stay—they always left quickly. Sometimes they departed so swiftly that Wen Luan didn't even notice how they'd gone, but this mattered little to him as their presence…
47.7 K • Ongoing
Chapter 13: The Secret
Following the direction of Deep Blue's rotation, at the far ends of each vast frozen plain lay colossal light pillars resembling transparent shafts. These pillars stood separate from the sea areas and extended straight through the atmosphere all the way up to connect with two space fortresses suspended beyond Deep Blue's orbit. One of these light pillars was for flying saucers entering Deep Blue; the other was for departure. A spaceship with a pitted outer hull shot out along one such light…-
47.7 K • Ongoing